Friday, January 22, 2010

wallpapers of animal guam rail bird information

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wallpapers of animal guam rail bird information

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pictures of animal guam rail birds

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The Guam Rail has a brown head, neck and eye stripe; near gray throat and upper breast; short wings that are dark with brownish spots and barred with white; lower breast, abdomen, under tail coverts, and tail are blackish with white barrings; gray bill, long legs and dark brown feet; and red iris. Females are similar but slightly smaller than male.
It is an omnivorous feeder but appears to prefer animal over vegetable food. It is known to eat gastropods, skinks, geckos, insects, and carrion as well as seeds and palm leaves.
The rail is a year-round ground nester making it highly susceptible to predators, such as the monitor lizard and the rat. It lays 2-4 four eggs and both parents share in the construction of a shallow nest of leaves and grass. A far more efficient predator was introduced in the 1950s, the brown tree snake. The snake is generally considered to be the primary cause of the disappearance of most of Guam's native birds.
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