Friday, June 25, 2010

wallpapers of animal pole cats pictures

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wallpapers of animal pole cats information

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a group of steppe pole cat image posters

Polecats are dark brown with a lighter bandit-like mask across the face, pale yellow underbody fur, a long tail and short legs. They are somewhat larger than weasels but smaller than otters, weighing between 0.7 kg for females to 1.7 kg for males. The European Polecat is the wild ancestor of the domesticated ferret.

Ranging in length from 29–35 cm (head and body), the marbled polecat has a short muzzle and very large, noticeable ears. Limbs are short and claws are long and strong. While the tail is long, with long hair, overall pelage is short. Black and white marks the face, with a black stripe across the eyes and white markings around the mouth. Dorsally, pelage is yellow and heavily mottled with irregular reddish or brown spots. Tail is dark brown with a yellowish band in the mid-region. The ventral region and limbs are a dark brown. Female mass ranges from 295g up to 600g and males can range from 320g to 715g.

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