Tuesday, March 29, 2011

latest pictures of white bellied sunbirds gallery

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latest photos of white bellied sunbird nest

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african animals of white bellied sunbird habitat

african animals of white bellied sunbird habitat

different white bellied sun bird flying

different white bellied sun bird flying

The White-bellied Sunbird has a height of 11 cms and weighs around 7 gms. The head is coloured green while the bill is coloured black. The Cinnyris talatala has a green coloured throat, black legs and a green coloured back. The eyes are brown.The male Cinnyris talatala has physical features that are slightly different from the female bird.

The Cinnyris talatala attacks its prey aerially and feeds on wing or takes the prey to a secluded venue where it is killed, torn into small pieces and eaten.This bird is a noctunal feeder and is able to forage in the dark because of the enhanced night vision. It also forages at this time because that's when the prey comes out in the open.This bird eats insects such as butterflies, bees, wasps, locusts and ants. These invertebrates are usually hawked aerially, killed and then eaten.

The White-bellied Sunbird is mainly found in light and densely wooded forests, where there are Mopane trees.The nest is built high up in the tree canopy and is protected from predators by branches and the dense green foliage.The bird is at home in riverine forests and close to water bodies such as lakes, dams and streams.This bird is very common in most of the Southern African Forests.for cute images...

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