Thursday, July 3, 2014

beautiful pictures of orange breasted green pigeons

The Orange-breasted Green Pigeon (Treron bicinctus) is a pigeon found across tropical Asia south of the Himalaya across the Indian Subcontinent and extending into parts of Southeast Asia.Like other green pigeons, it feeds mainly on small fruit. They may be found in pairs or in small flocks, foraging quietly and moving slowly on trees.The nape is blue-grey and the crown is yellowish green. The uppertail coverts and brozed and the undertail coverts are unmarked rufous and the male has a pinkish band on the upper breast with a broader orange one below while the female has a bright yellow breast.

These are similar in appearance to other green pigeons including the Yellow-footed Green Pigeon and the Grey-fronted Green Pigeon but has no maroon on the wing. The male does not have any grey on the head but has a narrow band of lilac on the upper breast with a broader orange band below. The undertail-coverts are cinnamon with the longer feathers edged yellow. The tails is grey above with a broad subterminal dark band. The females are yellow below and lack the orange or lilac bands. The undertail coverts are duller cinnamon with greenish spots. The upper tail however has the central feathers slaty grey rather than green as in females,They eat seeds and fruits of a wide variety of plants often joining other frugivores at fruiting figs, foraging by slowly walking along branches. They are known to feed on Strychnos nux-vomica, the fruits of which are toxic to mammals. They are sometimes seen on the ground. Their call is a low subdued series of modulated wandering whistles and the nest is the typical flimsy platform of a few twigs in which two white eggs are laid. Both sexes incubate and eggs hatch in about 12 to 14 days. for cute pics....

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