Tuesday, September 23, 2014

latest pictures of clownknife fish aquariums

The clown knifefish is very distinct, with normally silvery gray with a long knife-like body (laterally compressed) and a long anal fin that gives these fish their common name. Mature fish normally have five to ten (or even more) black spots ringed with white that usually decrease in size as the fish grows. These ocellated spots and the lack of faint stripes on the back separate it from Chitala chitala; a species it frequently has been confused with. Albinos and leucistic specimens are seen with some frequency in the aquarium trade.This fish grows to a fairly large size, up to 1 m (3.3 ft) and 5 kg (11 lb) in the wild.[1] It has two nasal tentacles above its large, toothed mouth. In the center of the body is a flaglike dorsal fin and has no ventral fins. Most clown knifefish are afflicted with cloudy eye color when they age.

They are nocturnal and usually cruise during the twilight hours. They normally hunt live prey and will try any fish that fits into their mouths. Young clown knifefish usually school near water logs and plants for security, whereas more mature specimens usually become territorial and eventually become loners. These fishes can also breath air to survive in stagnant waters and little oxygen. The clown knifefish prefers water around neutral pH and temperature ranging from 75 to 85 °F (24 to 29 °C). These fish usually are found in lakes, swamps, and river backwaters.Clown knifefish are hearty eaters, and will take live foods such as feeder fish, ghost shrimp, and blackworms. With time, they can be adapted to foods such as beefheart and will sometimes learn to accept commercial food pellets. They are mostly nocturnal, thus prefer feeding when the lights are off.To see more pics....

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