Tuesday, December 23, 2014

beautiful pictures of blue magpie birds gallery

The red-billed blue magpie is a species of bird in the crow family Corvidae. It is about the same size as the European magpie but has a much longer tail, the longest tail of any corvid. It is 65–68 cm (26–27 in) long and weighs 196-232 grams.The bird head, neck and breast are black with a bluish spotting on the crown. The shoulders and rump are a duller blue and the underparts are a greyish cream and the long tail is a brighter blue (as are the wing primaries) with a broad white tip. The bill is a bright orange-red as are the legs and feet and a ring around the eye. This red can vary across its range to almost yellow in some birds and food is sought both in trees and on the ground. It takes the usual wide range of food, such as invertebrates, other small animals, and fruit and some seeds. It robs nests of eggs and also chicks.

The blue magpie is unafraid of people. Their traces can be found in proximity to human residences in the mountains or newly cultivated lands. They are gregarious and are usually found in groups of six or more, gliding and shuttling in the woods. When flying in a group, the birds tailgate each other. Sometimes they may be seen strung out as if in line and it was a high pitched cackling chatter, "kyak-kyak-kyak-kyak". Females incubate eggs while males help out with nest building and feeding. Their nests are usually found in the woods and weeds rendezvous areas and are mostly built on higher branches from March to April. The nest shapes like a bowl and is weaved with twigs and weeds,usually there are 3–8 eggs in a clutch. Eggs are olive green in color, with dark brown marks. Hatching takes 17–19 days and the success rate is 78.3%. This will yield 3–7 chicks per nest. Taiwan blue magpies have a strong nest defense behaviour, and will attack intruders mercilessly until they retreat.for more images.....

Thursday, November 20, 2014

wallpapers of animal chimpanzee face gallery

Chimpanzees split from the human branch of the family about four to six million years ago. Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to humans, being members of the tribe Hominini.The male common chimp stands up to 1.7 m (5.6 ft) high and weighs as much as 70 kg (150 lb); the female is somewhat smaller. The common chimp’s long arms, when extended, span one and a half times the body’s height. A chimpanzee's arms are longer than its legs.The bonobo is slightly shorter and thinner than the common chimpanzee but has longer limbs. In trees, both species climb with their long, powerful arms; on the ground, chimpanzees usually knuckle-walk, or walk on all fours, clenching their fists and supporting themselves on the knuckles thereof. Chimpanzee feet are better suited for walking than are those of the orangutan because the chimp has broader soles and shorter toes.

The common chimpanzee and bonobo can walk upright on two legs when carrying objects with their hands and arms. The bonobo has proportionately longer upper limbs and more often walks upright than does the common chimpanzee. The coat is dark; the face, fingers, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet, hairless; the chimp, tailless. The exposed skin of the face, hands and feet varies from pink to very dark in both species but is generally lighter in younger individuals, darkening as maturity is reached.The brain of a chimpanzee has been measured at ~337 cc,~393 cc,with a general range of 282–500 cc. Human brains, in contrast, have been measured as being three times larger, variously reported volumes include ~1,299 cc,~1,158 cc,and averages of ~1330 cc and it reach puberty at an age of between eight and 10 years and rarely live past age 40 in the wild, but some have lived longer than 60 years in captivity.

The nest-building is seen in chimpanzees which construct arboreal night nests by lacing together branches from one or more trees. It forms an important part of behavior, especially in the case of mothers who teach this trait to infants. Nests consist of a mattress, supported on a strong foundation, and lined above with soft leaves and twigs, and are built in trees with a minimum diameter of 5 metres (16 ft) and may be located at a height of 3 to 45 metres (9.8 to 147.6 ft). Both day and night nests are built; they may be located in groups.chimpanzees are generally fruit and plant eaters, but they also consume insects, eggs, and meat, including carrion. They have a tremendously varied diet that includes hundreds of known foods.These are one of the few animal species that employ tools. They shape and use sticks to retrieve insects from their nests or dig grubs out of logs. They also use stones to smash open tasty nuts and employ leaves as sponges to soak up drinking water. Chimpanzees can even be taught to use some basic human sign language.for cute birds click here.....

Friday, October 24, 2014

latest collection of animal wild muscovy ducks

The Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) is a large duck native to Mexico, Central, and South America.This ducks have long claws on their feet and a wide flat tail. In the domestic drake (male), length is about 86 cm (34 in) and weight is 4.6–6.8 kg (10–15 lb), while the domestic hen (female) is much smaller, at 64 cm (25 in) in length and 2.7–3.6 kg (6.0–7.9 lb) in weight. Large domesticated males often weigh up to 8 kg (18 lb), and large domesticated females up to 5 kg (11 lb).

The true wild Muscovy duck, from which all domesticated Muscovys originated, is blackish, with large white wing patches. Length can range from 66 to 84 cm (26 to 33 in), wingspan from 137 to 152 cm (54 to 60 in) and weight from 1.1–4.1 kg (2.4–9.0 lb) in wild Muscovys. On the head, the wild male has short crest on the nape and the bill is black with a speckling of pale pink. A blackish or dark red knob can be seen at the bill base, and the bare skin of the face is similar to that in color. The eyes are yellowish-brown. The legs and webbed feet are blackish. The wild female is similar in plumage, but is also much smaller, and she has feathered face and lacks the prominent knob. The juvenile is duller overall, with little or no white on the upperwing.Domesticated birds may look similar; most are dark brown or black mixed with white, particularly on the head.The other colors of ducks such as lavender or all-white are also seen. Both sexes have a nude black-and-red or all-red face; the drake also has pronounced caruncles at the base of the bill and a low erectile crest of feathers.Although this duck is a tropical bird, it adapts well to cooler climates, thriving in weather as cold as −12°C (10°F) and able to survive even colder conditions.for cute pics......

Thursday, October 9, 2014

beautiful photos of animal harpactes trogon birds

Harpactes is a genus of birds in the Trogonidae family found in forests in South and Southeast Asia, extending into southernmost China. The birds are strongly sexually dimorphic, with females generally being duller than males. Their back is brownish, the tail is partially white (best visible from below), and males of most species have red underparts. These birds feed on arthropods, small lizards and fruit.for funny pics.....

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

latest pictures of clownknife fish aquariums

The clown knifefish is very distinct, with normally silvery gray with a long knife-like body (laterally compressed) and a long anal fin that gives these fish their common name. Mature fish normally have five to ten (or even more) black spots ringed with white that usually decrease in size as the fish grows. These ocellated spots and the lack of faint stripes on the back separate it from Chitala chitala; a species it frequently has been confused with. Albinos and leucistic specimens are seen with some frequency in the aquarium trade.This fish grows to a fairly large size, up to 1 m (3.3 ft) and 5 kg (11 lb) in the wild.[1] It has two nasal tentacles above its large, toothed mouth. In the center of the body is a flaglike dorsal fin and has no ventral fins. Most clown knifefish are afflicted with cloudy eye color when they age.

They are nocturnal and usually cruise during the twilight hours. They normally hunt live prey and will try any fish that fits into their mouths. Young clown knifefish usually school near water logs and plants for security, whereas more mature specimens usually become territorial and eventually become loners. These fishes can also breath air to survive in stagnant waters and little oxygen. The clown knifefish prefers water around neutral pH and temperature ranging from 75 to 85 °F (24 to 29 °C). These fish usually are found in lakes, swamps, and river backwaters.Clown knifefish are hearty eaters, and will take live foods such as feeder fish, ghost shrimp, and blackworms. With time, they can be adapted to foods such as beefheart and will sometimes learn to accept commercial food pellets. They are mostly nocturnal, thus prefer feeding when the lights are off.To see more pics....

Monday, September 1, 2014

wallpapers of different birds magpie pigeons pictures

The Magpie Pigeon is slender pigeon that stands erect, as the back is carried at a sharp angle upwards.The body except head, neck is greenish color and breast, back, saddle and tail - is white. The head, neck, breast, back, saddle and tail is black with an iridescent, metallic sheen. The cut on the breast should be sharp and evenly defined. The most sought-after Magpies are often the Blacks, but they appear in other colors including Yellow, Blue, Dun, and Silver. Blue and Silver mutations should have black tail bars. The beak is long and flesh-colored.This pigeon breeds well and they are reliable parents.for more pics....

Thursday, August 7, 2014

latest collections of animal runner ducks photos

Indian Runners (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) are an unusual breed of domestic duck. They stand erect like penguins and, rather than waddling, they run. The females usually lay about 150 – 200 eggs a year or more, depending whether they are from exhibition or utility strains. They were found on the Indonesian Islands of Lombok, Java and Bali.These ducks does not fly and rarely form nests and incubate their own eggs. They run or walk, often dropping their eggs wherever they happen to be. Duck-breeders need to house their birds overnight or be vigilant in picking up the eggs to prevent them from being taken by other animals.This ducks vary in weight between 1.4 and 2.3 kg (3-5 lbs)and their height (from crown to tail tip) ranges from 50 cm (20 inches) in small females to about 76 cm (30 inches) in the taller males. The eggs are often greenish-white in color, but these too vary.

The indian runner ducks also like swimming in ponds and streams, but they are likely to be preoccupied in running around grassy meadows looking for worms, slugs, even catching flies. They appreciate open spaces but are happy in gardens from which they cannot fly and where they make much less noise than call ducks. Only the females quack. All drakes are limited to a hoarse whisper. Runners eat less in the way of grain and pellet supplement than big table ducks.for cute pics....

Thursday, July 24, 2014

beautiful animals of violaceous trogon birds posters

The Violaceous Trogon (Trogon violaceus), also known as the Guianan Trogon, is a near passerine bird in the trogon family, Trogonidae. Trogons have distinctive male and female plumages, with soft, often colourful, feathers. This relatively small species is about 23 centimetres (9.1 in) long and weighs 56 grams (2.0 oz). The head and upper breast of the male are blue and the back is green, becoming bluer on the rump. A faint white line separates the breast from the orange yellow underparts. The undertail is white with black barring, and the wings are black, vermiculated with white. The complete eye-ring is yellow. The female violaceous Trogon resembles the male, but has a dark grey back, head and breast, and an incomplete white eye-ring.This species resembles the White-tailed Trogon, but the latter is larger and has a complete pale blue eye-ring in both sexes. The male White-tailed Trogon lacks barring to the undertail.The shade of the blue of the head in the male differs between the violaceous Trogon and the gartered Trogon, but (disregarding their separate distributions) the call is the main distinction between the two. The Gartered has a slurred whistled cuh-cuh-cuh, and Violaceous has a soft cow cow, cow.These birds feed on insects and small fruit, and their broad bills and weak legs reflect their diet and arboreal habits. Although their flight is fast, they are reluctant to fly any distance.for large animals.....

Monday, July 21, 2014

latest images of animal bactrian camels posters

The Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) is a large, even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of Central Asia. Of the two species of camel, it is by far the rarer.The Bactrian camel has two humps on its back, in contrast to the single-humped dromedary camel.This camel is the largest mammal in its native range and the shoulder height is from 180 to 230 cm (5.9 to 7.5 ft), head-and-body length is 225–350 cm (7.38–11.48 ft) and the tail length is 35–55 cm (14–22 in). At the top of the humps, the average height is 213 cm (6.99 ft). Body mass can range from 300 to 1,000 kg (660 to 2,200 lb), with males often being much larger and heavier than females. Its long, wooly coat varies in colour from dark brown to sandy beige. There is a mane and beard of long hair on the neck and throat, with hairs measuring up to 25 cm (9.8 in) long. The shaggy winter coat is shed extremely rapidly, with huge sections peeling off at once, appearing as if sloppily shorn off. There are two humps on the back, which are composed of fat (not water as is sometimes thought). The face is typical of a camelid, being long and somewhat triangular, with a split upper lip. There are long eyelashes, which, along with the sealable nostrils, help to keep out dust in the frequent sandstorms which occur in their natural range. The two broad toes on each foot have undivided soles and are able to spread widely as an adaptation to walking on sand. The feet are very tough, as befits an animal of extreme environments.

Bactrian camels are migratory, and their habitat ranges from rocky mountain massifs to flat arid desert, stony plains and sand dunes. Conditions are extremely harsh – vegetation is sparse, water sources are limited and temperatures are extreme, ranging from as low as −40 °C in winter to 40 °C in summer.These camels are exceptionally adept at withstanding wide variations in temperature – ranging from freezing cold to blistering heat. They have a remarkable ability to go without water for months at a time, but when water is available they may drink up to 57 liters at once. When well fed, the humps are plump and erect, but as resources decline the humps shrink and lean to the side. When moving faster than a walking speed they pace, by stepping forwards with both legs on the same side (as opposed to trotting, using alternate diagonals as done by most other quadrupeds). Speeds of up to 65 kilometres per hour (40 mph) have been recorded but they rarely move this fast.
These bactrian camels are diurnal, sleeping in the open at night and foraging for food during the day. They are primarily herbivorous. They are able to eat plants that are dry, prickly, salty and bitter and can ingest virtually any kind of vegetation. When other nutrient sources are not available, these camels may feed on carcasses, gnawing on bones, skin, or various different kinds of flesh. In more extreme conditions, they may eat any material they find, which has included rope, sandals, and even tents. Their ability to feed on a wide range of foods allows them to live in areas with sparse vegetation. With tough mouths that can withstand sharp objects such as thorns, the digestion process begins. The first time food is swallowed it is not fully chewed. The partly masticated food (called cud) goes into the stomach and later is brought back up for further chewing.The lifespan of Bactrian camels is estimated at up to 50 years, often 20 to 40 in captivity.for cute pics....