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The flying gurnard (only known representative of its family), built, in general, on the "sea robin" plan, is remarkable for its enormous pectorals. When it is about half grown or older, these reach nearly to the base of the caudal fin if laid back. When spread, they have the form of enormous rounded fanlike wings.
This fish likes to inhabit areas of shallower waters where there are sandy bottoms. It walks along the bottom with the two small leg-like pelvic fins looking for food. The pectoral fins are not actually "wings" and it does not have the capability of flying, but it can use its "wings" to move through the water in quick, short, "flights". When alarmed it spreads its "wings" increasing its appearance in size as a threat to predators. This also helps the fish blend into its bottom surroundings. Be sure to keep a cover on the aquarium. If the fish is startled or excited it can jump out of the tank easily.
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