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Sand cats live solitary lives (until mating season; see below), digging burrows to escape the desert heat. They come out after dusk to hunt rodents, lizards, birds and insects, although their diet may consist mostly of rodents. They "skulk" close to the ground and will use any available cover to protect themselves. Using their large ears they listen for prey, digging rapidly when they hear it underground. Since the Sand cat obtains all the water it needs from eating its prey, it mostly stays far away from watering points where other predators may harm it. Sand cats congregate only for mating, so counting them is a difficult task. It seems however that their numbers have been declining in the Arabian desert following a decrease in their prey.
Threats to the Sand cat include humans, wolves, snakes, and raptors.Sand cats do not have their own territories like tigers or bobcats.it can live up to 13 years in captivity.
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